Conference Papers

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The School Attendance and Residential Location Balancing Act

Community, Choice, Diversity, and Achievement

Ellen Goldring and Walker Swain

May 2014, English

Housing, Land Markets, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

May 2014, English

Housing, Land Markets, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

An Evaluation of China’s Land Policy and Urban Housing Markets

Joyce Y. Man

November 2015, English

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization

November 2015, English

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization

Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Zone Management

Robert J. Nicholls

May 2011, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Land Conservation, Urbanization

May 2011, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Land Conservation, Urbanization

Creative Designs of the Patchwork Quilt of Municipal Finance

Michael A. Pagano

May 2010, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Property Tax, Urbanization

May 2010, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Property Tax, Urbanization

Developing Land Markets Within the Constraint of State Ownership in Vietnam

Stephen B. Butler

May 2009, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Urbanization

May 2009, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Urbanization

Decentralization and Environmental Decision Making

Shelby Gerking

May 2008, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Markets, Property Tax

May 2008, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Markets, Property Tax

Asia’s Urban Century

Emerging Trends

Rakesh Mohan

May 2007, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Land Markets, Urbanization

May 2007, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Land Markets, Urbanization

Collecting Land Value Through Public Land Leasing

John E. Anderson

May 2012, English

Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

May 2012, English

Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

Water Rights and Markets in the U.S. Semiarid West

Efficiency and Equity Issues

Gary D. Libecap

November 2011, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Conservation, Land Markets, Urbanization

November 2011, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Conservation, Land Markets, Urbanization