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Do Growth Controls Matter?

A Review of Empirical Evidence on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Local Government Land Use Regulation

William A. Fischel

January 1990, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

January 1990, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

Dealing with Change in the Connecticut River Valley

A Design Manual for Conservation and Development

Robert D. Yaro, Randall G. Arendt, Harry L. Dodson, and Elizabeth A. Brabec

June 1988, English


City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Land Conservation

June 1988, English


City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Land Conservation

Economics and Tax Policy

Karl E. Case

January 1986, English


Property Tax

January 1986, English


Property Tax

The Zoning Game Revisited

Richard F. Babcock and Charles L. Siemon

May 1985, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning

May 1985, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning

Tax Base Sharing

Local Response to Fiscal Federalism

Paul Smith

January 1979, English

Other Publications

Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

January 1979, English

Other Publications

Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

Targeted Equity Investments are Legal and Essential to Reach Many Underserved Markets


In the statute establishing Duty to Serve (“DTS”) in 2009, Congress identified “grants and investments” as one of four explicit criteria that the Federal Housing Finance Agency must use in evaluating Enterprise DTS performance, along with outreach, loan product development, and loan purchases. By including investments as one of four statutory DTS evaluation factors, Congress has clearly affirmed that the Enterprises have the authority to make targeted DTS equity investments (12 U.S.C. § 4565(d)(2)(D) 2020). Nevertheless, our understanding is that under the current reading of the statute by FHFA’s general counsel, the Enterprises are prohibited from making targeted equity investments (TEIs). We believe FHFA has the authority to also permit TEIs as part of an Equitable Housing Finance Plan.




In the statute establishing Duty to Serve (“DTS”) in 2009, Congress identified “grants and investments” as one of four explicit criteria that the Federal Housing Finance Agency must use in evaluating Enterprise DTS performance, along with outreach, loan product development, and loan purchases. By including investments as one of four statutory DTS evaluation factors, Congress has clearly affirmed that the Enterprises have the authority to make targeted DTS equity investments (12 U.S.C. § 4565(d)(2)(D) 2020). Nevertheless, our understanding is that under the current reading of the statute by FHFA’s general counsel, the Enterprises are prohibited from making targeted equity investments (TEIs). We believe FHFA has the authority to also permit TEIs as part of an Equitable Housing Finance Plan.

