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Sara Bronin speaks into a microphone. The background shows her power point presentation.
Land Matters Podcast

Episode 8: Hartford, Ready for a Reboot

By Anthony Flint, December 19, 2019
A rendering shows families and people walking and socializing in the foreground and buildings and construction in the background.
City Tech

Privacy, Equity, and the Future of the Smart City

By Rob Walker, December 16, 2019
Photograph shows an aerial view of a landscape with sky and blue mountains in the distance
The Unmalling of America

How Municipalities Are Navigating the Changing Retail Landscape

By Gregory Scruggs, December 16, 2019
A group of students poses with their bikes in the middle of a bike tour.
Curriculum Innovation

Lincoln Institute Seeks Examples of Innovative Urban Planning Coursework

By Emma Zehner, December 12, 2019
What It Means to Design with Nature Now

Reflections on the Legacy of Ian McHarg

February 10, 2020
Mapa de Brooklyn
Base de datos de lugares

Asequibilidad de viviendas en Brooklyn, Nueva York

Por Jenna DeAngelo, November 21, 2019
La fotografía muestra la cabeza y el torso superior de un hombre vestido con un traje azul con camisa blanca y corbata azul. Se para afuera frente a un edificio municipal con una fuente y un árbol frente a él.
El escritorio del alcalde

Dirigir una ciudad postindustrial en un mundo posnacional

Por Anthony Flint, November 21, 2019
Un grupo de participantes en un curso del Instituto Lincoln usa sombreros naranjas y se reúne alrededor de un tablero de juego.
Hora de jugar

El aprendizaje activo da un giro cautivador a la enseñanza de la planificación urbana

Por Emma Zehner, November 21, 2019