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Redefining Property Rights in the Age of Liberalization and Privatization Edesio Fernandes, November 1, 1999
Introducing Value-based Property Taxation in Poland Jane Malme and Dennis Robinson, March 1, 1999
Desarrollo a gran escala

Propuesta de un telepuerto en Córdoba

David Amborski and Douglas Keare, September 1, 1998
Uso del impuesto a la propiedad para recuperar plusvalías

Estudio de un caso práctico en Brasil

Claudia M. De Cesare, January 1, 1998
Strategic Planning in Cordoba Douglas Keare and Ricardo Vanella, September 1, 1997
Urban Land as Common Property Alice E. Ingerson, March 1, 1997
Sustainable Development in the Mekong River Basin Trang D. Tu, May 1, 1996
Reviving Environmental Regionalism Charles H. W. Foster, October 1, 2002