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Photograph of Manuel Velarde
Mayor’s Desk

Seeking Sustainability in Lima’s Financial District

By Anthony Flint, July 24, 2018
Map showing the location of structurally deficient bridges in Allegheny County
Place Database

Structurally Deficient Bridges in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

By Jenna DeAngelo, July 24, 2018
New Lincoln Institute Report

The Empty House Next Door

July 24, 2018

Plan Pro.Cre.Ar como instrumento de política habitacional e inclusión social a través del acceso a la vivienda

El caso del Área Metropolitana Rosario, Argentina

Cintia Ariana Barenboim and Pablo Elinbaum

June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers


June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers


June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers


Strengthening Urban Resilience through Nature

The potential of ecosystem-based measures for reduction of landslide risk in Rio de Janeiro

Wofram Lange, Simone Sandholz, and Udo Nehren

June 2018, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Environment, Informal Settlements, Land Conservation

June 2018, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Environment, Informal Settlements, Land Conservation

Los convenios urbanísticos en la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina, como instrumentos de gestión del suelo

Análisis de sus impactos en términos de equidad

Guillermo Peinado, Cintia Ariana Barenboim, Patricia Alejandra Lagarrigue, y Marcela Inés Nicastro

June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers

June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers

June 2018, Spanish

Working Papers


June 2018, English

Working Papers

Property Tax