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Tracking Growth and Evaluating Performance of Shared Equity Homeownership Programs During Housing Market Fluctuations

Ruoniu Wang, Claire Cahen, Arthur Acolin, and Rebecca J. Walter

April 2019, English

Working Papers

Housing, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Tools

April 2019, English

Working Papers

Housing, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Tools

Protestas fiscales en Colombia, 2011–2015

Olga Lucía Zapata Cortés and Marco Fidel Agudelo Cano

April 2019, Spanish

Working Papers

Property Tax, Public Finance, Value Capture

April 2019, Spanish

Working Papers

Property Tax, Public Finance, Value Capture

This image shows the California Hotel.
Community Investment

Fulcrum Fellow Romi Hall on Public Health, Anti-Displacement, and Cross-Sector Collaboration in Oakland

By Emma Zehner, April 14, 2019

April 2019

This issue explores the future of cities, with features on scenario planning, autonomous vehicles, inclusionary housing and the YIMBY movement, and green infrastructure in legacy cities.

Place Database

Brownfields in High and Moderate Flood Risk Areas in Providence, RI

By Jenna DeAngelo, April 12, 2019
A car sits submerged under water as a results of heavy flooding. The car sits under an aging Providence & Worcester Railroad bridge in Worcester.
Great Adaptations

How Two Smaller Legacy Cities Are Adopting Green Infrastructure

By Cyrus Moulton, April 10, 2019
President’s Message

Building the Cities We Need

By George W. McCarthy, April 9, 2019

Mecanismos y estrategias de política de suelo y vivienda para la inclusión social

Caso de estudio Bogotá D.C., período 2000–2015

María Cristina Rojas E., Rodrigo E. Carrascal E., and Yolanda B. Caballero P.

April 2019, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality, Public Finance

April 2019, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality, Public Finance

Nationwide Mass Appraisal Modeling in China

Feasibility Analysis for Scalability Given Ad Valorem Property Tax Reform

Peadar Davis, Michael McCord, Paul Bidanset, and Margie Cusack

April 2019, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

April 2019, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance