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Un cielo azul claro y claro llena la mitad superior de la imagen y un humedal verde
Proyectos: Cinco temas

De la ciudad de Nueva York a Jining, China, estos proyectos ejemplifican el principio de proyectar con la naturaleza

Editado por Frederick Steiner, Richard Weller, Karen M’Closkey y Billy Fleming, July 31, 2019
Un hombre

“¿Por qué debo ser quien dé las malas noticias?”

Por William Whitaker, July 31, 2019

Acordes y desacuerdos: la inolvidable melodía de Ian

Por Laurie Olin, July 31, 2019

Atravesar antes de transeccionar

Por Anuradha Mathur, July 31, 2019
Colorado rancher Paul Bruchez rides a horse in a green field.
Land Matters Podcast

Episode 3: Water Meets Land

By Anthony Flint, July 23, 2019
City of Cali in Colombia on a beautiful sunny day

Exploring the Use of Land Value Capture Instruments for Green Resilient Infrastructure Benefits

A Framework Applied in Cali, Colombia

Stelios Grafakos, Alexandra Tsatsou, Luca D'Acci, James Kostaras, Adriana Patricia López Valencia, Nohemi Ramirez Aranda, and Barbara Summers

July 2019, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Value Capture

July 2019, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Value Capture

July 2019

This issue features excerpts from the book Design with Nature Now (October 2019), showcasing some of today’s most advanced ecological design projects, in honor of visionary landscape architect Ian McHarg. This collaboration by the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy demonstrates McHarg’s enduring influence as practitioners use his approach to confront climate change and other 21st-century challenges.

A book is shown from above
President’s Message

Restoring Nature to Its Rightful Place

By George W. McCarthy, July 1, 2019
Black and white full cover of the book Design with Nature by Ian L. McHarg. The back cover shows the planet Earth from space with no type

Design in the Anthropocene

By Richard Weller, Karen M’Closkey, Billy Fleming, and Frederick Steiner, July 1, 2019