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Land Matters Podcast

Episode 4: Solutions in Slums

By Anthony Flint, August 30, 2019
A waterfront restaurant with an outdoor patio full of diners.
Economic Development

Vermont Attempts a Kinder, Gentler TIF—But Will it Work?

By Will Jason, August 20, 2019
Paulina Lopez speaks to attendees of the Grantmakers in Health Conference in June as part of a tour of the South Park neighborhood.
Climate Resilience

Seattle Utility, Housing Groups Launch Bold Experiment in Climate Equity

By Emma Zehner, August 20, 2019
Skyline view of Guangzhou
Global Urbanization

Learning From China's Explosive Urban Growth

By Katharine Wroth, August 19, 2019

Are Land Use and Development Changes Associated with Value Capture as a Result of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Investments?

A Longitudinal Land Parcel Data Analysis of the First Phase of the BRT System in Bogota, Colombia

C. Erik Vergel-Tovar and Patrick Welch

August 2019, English

Working Papers

Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

August 2019, English

Working Papers

Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

Taxes and Economic Development

An Update on the State of the Economics Literature

Andrew Hanson

August 2019, English

Working Papers

Property Tax, Public Finance, Value Capture

August 2019, English

Working Papers

Property Tax, Public Finance, Value Capture

Agentes económicos en el mercado del suelo urbano de Santiago de Chile, período 2010–2015

Aportes a la discusión pública

Pablo Wainer Infante, Ivo Gasic Klett, and Rodrigo Sánchez Leiva

August 2019, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Public Finance, Urbanization

August 2019, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Public Finance, Urbanization

Un libro se muestra desde arriba
Mensaje del presidente

Restituir a la naturaleza a su debido lugar

Por George W. McCarthy, July 31, 2019
Portada completa en blanco y negro del libro Design with Nature de Ian L. McHarg. La cubierta posterior muestra el planeta Tierra desde el espacio sin tipo

Proyectar en el Antropoceno

Por Richard Weller, Karen M’Closkey, Billy Fleming y Frederick Steiner, July 31, 2019