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Una familia compuesta por una mujer mayor

Viviendas inclusivas

Crear y mantener comunidades igualitarias

Rick Jacobus

February 2020, Spanish

Policy Briefs

Housing, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

February 2020, Spanish

Policy Briefs

Housing, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

El alcalde de Boston
El escritorio del alcalde

Construir resiliencia climática en Boston

Por Anthony Flint, February 21, 2020
La fotografía muestra una vista aérea de un paisaje con cielo y montañas azules en la distancia
El declive de los centros comerciales en Estados Unidos

Cómo sortean los municipios los cambios en el panorama de las tiendas minoristas

Por Gregory Scruggs, February 21, 2020
Las riquezas de la resiliencia

Las ciudades invierten en infraestructura verde. ¿Los desarrolladores deberían ayudar en la financiación?

Por Anthony Flint, February 21, 2020

Household Mobility and Local Government Finance in U.S. Cities

Wenjing Li, Matthew Cushing, and John E. Anderson

February 2020, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

February 2020, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

What It Means to Design with Nature Now

Reflections on the Legacy of Ian McHarg

February 10, 2020
Sustainable Urbanization

Lincoln Institute to Share Land Use Innovations at World Urban Forum 10

By Emma Zehner, February 5, 2020
Growing Water Smart participants stand in a circle outside.
Growing Water Smart

Workshop Helps Western Communities Integrate Water and Land Use Planning

By Katharine Wroth, February 4, 2020
Land Matters Podcast

Episode 9: In Praise of Global Agreements

By Anthony Flint, January 31, 2020