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A group of planners stands over a map.
Looking Ahead

Five Tips for Successful Scenario Planning

By Robert Goodspeed, March 11, 2020
An aerial shot of rows of houses in the Coachella Valley.
Affordable Housing

Coachella Valley Pilots Regional Approach to Housing Shortage

By Emma Zehner, March 11, 2020
Aerial view of the city of Baltimore.
Tax Battles

Cities Seek Higher Payments in Lieu of Taxes from Nonprofits

By Liz Farmer, March 4, 2020
Two men wearing suit jackets
Land Matters Podcast

Episode 10: Plotting the Planet’s Future at World Urban Forum 10

By Anthony Flint, February 28, 2020

Incorporating Water into Comprehensive Planning

A Manual for Land Use Planners in the Colorado River Basin

Erin Rugland

February 2020, English

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning, Water

February 2020, English

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning, Water

Rezonificar la historia

Influyente cambio de políticas en Minneapolis vincula la asequibilidad y la igualdad

Por Kathleen McCormick, February 22, 2020
Una representación muestra a familias y personas caminando y socializando en primer plano y edificios y construcción en el fondo.

Privacidad, igualdad y el futuro de la ciudad inteligente

Por Rob Walker, February 22, 2020
Mensaje del presidente

Cuando la teoría y la práctica se bifurcan

Por George W. McCarthy, February 22, 2020
Viviendas inclusivas

Crear y mantener comunidades igualitarias

Por Rick Jacobus, February 22, 2020