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A photograph of the head and shoulders of a smiling man
President’s Message

What We Didn’t Know Then

By George W. McCarthy, April 14, 2020
The Potential of Green Bond Financing in China By Carl Hooks, April 14, 2020
Deconstruction Ahead

How Urban Highway Removal Is Changing Our Cities

By Kathleen McCormick, April 14, 2020
Mayor’s Desk

Stability and Sustainability in Athens, Greece

By Anthony Flint, April 14, 2020
Una fotografía de la cabeza y los hombros de un hombre sonriente
Mensaje del presidente

Lo que no sabíamos antes

Por George W. McCarthy, April 14, 2020
New Publication

Scenario Planning for Cities and Regions Teaches Planners How—and Why—to Apply This Critical Tool

By Allison Ehrich Bernstein, April 6, 2020
A picture of a postcard of Detroit.
Property Tax

Detroit Tries New Approaches to Tax Assessment and Collection

By Liz Farmer, April 2, 2020
An image of Shenzhen
Sponge City

Shenzhen Explores the Benefits of Designing with Nature

By Matt Jenkins, April 2, 2020

Housing Affordability in Chinese Cities

Li Sun

April 2020, English

Working Papers

Housing, Informal Settlements, Poverty and Inequality, Public Finance, Urbanization

April 2020, English

Working Papers

Housing, Informal Settlements, Poverty and Inequality, Public Finance, Urbanization