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Water in the West

Finding (and Funding) Stormwater Capture Solutions

By Meg Wilcox, June 30, 2020
Planificación de escenarios en pandemia

Cómo aceptar y transitar la incertidumbre

Por Emma Zehner, June 30, 2020
Agua en el oeste

Hallar y financiar soluciones para capturar agua pluvial

Por Meg Wilcox, June 30, 2020

Why Pioneering Health Institutions Are Investing Upstream to Improve Community Health

Center for Community Investment

June 2020, English

Other Publications


June 2020, English

Other Publications


Think Land Policy Is Unrelated to Racial Injustice? Think Again. By George McCarthy, June 24, 2020
The Destiny of Density

Affordability, Equity, and the Impacts of an Insidious Virus

By Anthony Flint, June 24, 2020
El futuro de la densidad

Capacidad de pago, igualdad y los efectos de un virus insidioso

Por Anthony Flint, June 24, 2020

How Scenario Planning Affects Regional and Local Plans and Planning Practices

An Empirical Analysis

Arnab Chakraborty and Stephen Averill Sherman

June 2020, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Local Government, Public Finance

June 2020, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Local Government, Public Finance

Special Assessment Districts and the Financing of Infrastructure in South Africa

The Innovative Use of a Special Rating Area in Claremont, Cape Town

Willard Matiashe and Arthur Germond

June 2020, English

Working Papers

Infrastructure, Property Tax, Public Finance, Value Capture

June 2020, English

Working Papers

Infrastructure, Property Tax, Public Finance, Value Capture