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Mensaje del presidente

¿Piensa que las políticas de suelo no guardan relación con la injusticia racial? Piénselo de nuevo.

Por George W. McCarthy, September 4, 2020
Financiación de infraestructura

Nueva publicación examina experiencias y potencial de la contribución de mejoras como instrumento de financiación de obras públicas en países de América Latina

Por Luis Felipe Quintanilla, September 3, 2020
Mayor’s Desk

A Capital Reckoning in Washington, DC

By Anthony Flint, September 2, 2020
El escritorio del alcalde

Un saldo prioritario

Por Anthony Flint, September 2, 2020

Methodology Used to Create the Fiscally Standardized Cities Database

Adam H. Langley

September 2020, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

September 2020, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

Value Capture Beyond Public Land Leasing

Funding Transit and Urban Redevelopment in China’s Pearl River Delta

Jiawen Yang, Rachelle Alterman, and Bin Li

August 2020, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Valuation

August 2020, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Valuation

Human Ecology

Design with Nature Now and the Pandemic

By Frederick Steiner, August 18, 2020
Curriculum Design

Lincoln Institute and Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Recognize Innovative Urban Planning Courses

By Emma Zehner, August 18, 2020

The Empty House Next Door

Understanding and Reducing Vacancy and Hypervacancy in the United States

Alan Mallach

August 2020, English

Policy Briefs

Economic Development, Housing, Local Government

August 2020, English

Policy Briefs

Economic Development, Housing, Local Government