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Room to Roam

The Pandemic Has Underscored the Need for More Urban Parks. So What Comes Next?

By Kathleen McCormick, October 7, 2020
Puertas que se abren

Los bancos de tierras y los fideicomisos de suelo comunitarios se asocian para generar oportunidades de vivienda asequible

Por Emma Zehner, October 7, 2020
Espacio para pasear

La pandemia acentuó la necesidad de crear más parques urbanos. ¿Cuáles son los próximos pasos?

Por Kathleen McCormick, October 7, 2020
The Road to Recovery

Natural Disaster Recovery Experts on the Pandemic and the Path Forward

By Emma Zehner, September 21, 2020
New Publication

How to Use Exploratory Scenario Planning Teaches Would-Be Practitioners How to Apply This Emergent Approach to Local, Regional, and Organizational Plans for the Future

By Allison Ehrich Bernstein, September 15, 2020
People walk on a pedestrian-only street with shops and restaurants on the sides
Legacy Cities Initiative

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Launches Legacy Cities Initiative

By Emma Zehner, Allison Ehrich Bernstein, and Will Jason, September 14, 2020

How States Provide Cities with General Revenue

An Analysis of Unrestricted State Aid

Amanda Kass, Michael Pagano, and Farhad Kaab Omeyr

September 2020, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Public Finance

September 2020, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Public Finance

Land Matters Podcast

Episode 14: Housing's Racial History

By Anthony Flint, September 8, 2020

Greenventory 2.0

Sustainability Lessons from Small and Midsize Legacy Cities

Joseph Schilling and Gabriella Velasco

September 2020, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Environment

September 2020, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Environment