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Mayor’s Desk

Expanding Affordability and Equity in Cambridge

By Anthony Flint, April 26, 2021
Aerial view of the Duwamish Valley
Climate and Health Equity

Resilience District Concept Gathers Momentum in Seattle

By Emma Zehner, April 21, 2021

Duty to Serve

The Purpose of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Early Lessons Learned in Underserved Housing Markets

By Jim Gray and George W. McCarthy

April 2021, English

Working Papers

Housing, Land Markets

April 2021, English

Working Papers

Housing, Land Markets

Duty to Serve

Early Lessons Learned in Underserved Housing Markets

By Jim Gray and George W. McCarthy

April 2021, English

Policy Briefs

Housing, Poverty and Inequality

April 2021, English

Policy Briefs

Housing, Poverty and Inequality

Land Matters Podcast

Season 2, Episode 4: Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui on Fast-tracking Affordability

By Anthony Flint, April 16, 2021

Fact Sheet: U.S. Local Government Finance Tools

April 2021, English

Other Publications

Public Finance

April 2021, English

Other Publications

Public Finance

Property Tax Trends 2020–2021

Catherine Collins

April 2021, English

This report provides an overview of current trends in the property tax, including updates on property tax actions taken by states and local governments in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Other Publications

Local Government, Property Tax

April 2021, English

This report provides an overview of current trends in the property tax, including updates on property tax actions taken by states and local governments in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Other Publications

Local Government, Property Tax

Race and Rezoning

Louisville Designs a More Equitable Future by Confronting the Past

By Liz Farmer, April 1, 2021

Standing Tall

Forestry Practices on Lands Conserved by Selected New England Land Trusts

Jane Difley

April 2021, English

Working Papers

Environment, Land Conservation

April 2021, English

Working Papers

Environment, Land Conservation