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Eight Ingredients for a State-Level Zoning Reform

Lessons from Oregon’s House Bill 2001

Michael Andersen

July 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Public Finance

July 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Public Finance

Examining State Planning Enabling Laws Regarding Water Planning Requirements

Cassie Pettit and Sagar Shah

July 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Water

July 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Water

July 2021

In this issue, aerial photographer Alex MacLean documents the growth of urban agriculture, we explore the critical connections between urban planning and water management, and we report on the electric transit revolution underway in Latin America.

Letters to the Editor

75th Anniversary Greetings

July 9, 2021

Programmes, Practices, and Preconditions

Learning from Cape Town’s Experience with One-Off Contributions from Developers

Stephen Berrisford, Liza Rose Cirolia, and Elisabeth Makumbi

July 2021, English

Working Papers

Housing, Local Government, Public Finance, Value Capture

July 2021, English

Working Papers

Housing, Local Government, Public Finance, Value Capture

Development Tax in France as a Tool for Land Value Capture and Social Equity

Case Studies on Bordeaux and Strasbourg

Sonia Guelton, Agnes Pouillaude, and David Rosen

July 2021, English

Working Papers

Land Markets, Local Government, Public Finance, Value Capture

July 2021, English

Working Papers

Land Markets, Local Government, Public Finance, Value Capture

The Statute of the Metropolis and Planning Reform in Brazil

Analyzing Land Use Planning Practices and Metropolitan Land Conflicts

Abigail Friendly and Felipe Francisco De Souza

July 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning

July 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning

Redensificar para reconstruir

El caso de los derechos adicionales de edificabilidad para la reconstrucción de la Ciudad de México

Julio César Fuentes Quezada and Claudia Acosta

July 2021, Spanish

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance, Value Capture

July 2021, Spanish

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance, Value Capture

Examining the Water and Land Use Connection in Water Utility Planning Requirements

An Inventory of the Laws of all 50 States

Mary Ann Dickinson, Bill Christiansen, Brad Spilka, and Adam Schempp

July 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Water

July 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Water