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Recuperación de plusvalías en la mejora integral de barrios informales

Esquemas de financiamiento sostenibles

Marc Pérez Casas, Alfredo Stein Heinemann, and Marla Membreño Fernández

January 2022, Spanish

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Land Markets, Property Tax, Value Capture

January 2022, Spanish

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Land Markets, Property Tax, Value Capture

The Challenge of Unspent Federal Grants

Jenna DeAngelo, Betsy Gardner, and George W. McCarthy

January 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

January 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

Land Matters Podcast: Elizabeth Kolbert Explains How a Toad Might Guide a Better Climate Future By Anthony Flint, December 21, 2021

Confronting the Real Barriers to Housing Affordability

Using Research to Assemble Durable Coalitions and Expand Political Capacity

Benjamin Teresa, Kathryn Howell, and Leah Demarest

December 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Local Government

December 2021, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Local Government

New Book “Infrastructure Economics and Policy” Offers an Essential Guide to Smart Public Investment By Lincoln Institute Staff, December 15, 2021
Mayor’s Desk: In Bogotá, a New Era for Sustainability By Anthony Flint, December 15, 2021

Infrastructure Economics and Policy

International Perspectives

Edited by José A. Gómez-Ibáñez and Zhi Liu

December 2021, English


Economic Development, Infrastructure

December 2021, English


Economic Development, Infrastructure

Pathways to Decarbonizing the Planet of Cities By Shenmin Liu, December 14, 2021
Tiny Home Village
How Better Community Investment Can Promote Economic Justice By Robert J. "R.J." McGrail, December 7, 2021