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Affordable Housing Coalition Releases Scorecard Outlining Improvements to GSE Duty-to Serve Plans by Lincoln Institute Staff, September 7, 2022

Property Tax in Asia

Policy and Practice

Edited by William McCluskey, Roy Bahl, and Riël Franzsen

September 2022, English

This contributed volume showcases the first comprehensive assessment of the property tax in Asia, including China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam.


Property Tax

September 2022, English

This contributed volume showcases the first comprehensive assessment of the property tax in Asia, including China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam.


Property Tax

Integrating Land Use and Water Management

By Erin Rugland

August 2022, English

Policy Briefs

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Water

August 2022, English

Policy Briefs

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Water

The Role of Infrastructure in Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction, and Regional Integration By José Gómez-Ibáñez and Zhi Liu, August 30, 2022

Comparative Measures of Property Tax Equity in Suffolk County, Massachusetts

Ronald W. Rakow

August 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

August 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

30 climate journalists convened in April 2022 to discuss the connection between land and climate change.
Land Matters Podcast: Climate Journalists Consider the Land-Climate Connection

Highlights of the Lincoln Institute’s 2022 Journalists Forum

By Anthony Flint, August 25, 2022

Place Profiles: Localizing Understandings of Disadvantage

Lucy Natarajan and Hyunji Cho

August 2022, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Poverty and Inequality

August 2022, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Poverty and Inequality

Measures of Vertical Inequality in Assessments

Daniel P. McMillen and Ruchi Singh

August 2022, English

Working Papers

Property Tax, Valuation

August 2022, English

Working Papers

Property Tax, Valuation

What Do We Do with the Land Left Behind?

XSP for Floodplain Buyout Parcels

Kelly Leilani Main, Risa Hiser, Victoria Woods, Osamu Kumasaka, Maggie Tsang, and Isaac Stein

August 2022, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment

August 2022, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment