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Nuevos enfoques para la contaminación sonora

Por Rob Walker, October 31, 2022
El escritorio del alcalde

Abordar la capacidad de pago en Berkeley

Por Anthony Flint, October 31, 2022
Cambio de marchas

Por qué las comunidades eliminan los requisitos para estacionar en playas de estacionamiento y cuáles son los próximos pasos

Por Catie Gould, October 31, 2022
Image of the United States taken at night from space.
Lo que prometen las megarregiones

Cómo la ampliación a escala podría ayudar a combatir los desafíos más urgentes de la actualidad

Por Matt Jenkins, October 31, 2022
Nueva publicación: Impuesto predial en Asia

Impuesto predial en Asia: política y práctica

October 31, 2022

Building Equity

Equitable Real Estate Development Strategies for Weak Markets

Erica Spaid Patras, Maria Walliser-Wejebe, and Alison Goebel

October 2022, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

October 2022, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

A man and a woman stand for posed photographs.
Land Matters Podcast: The Quest for Zoning Zen: How Land Use Rules Are Poised for Reform By Anthony Flint, October 28, 2022

Community Resilience Through Small Scale Manufacturing

An Introduction for Smaller Legacy Cities

Sarah Yeung

October 2022, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

October 2022, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

October 2022

This issue looks at several steps cities are taking to improve their infrastructure, including launching collaborative water funds, eliminating parking requirements, and managing cross-boundary challenges with a megaregion governing model.