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Report from the President

Supporting Land Policy Research in Latin America

Gregory K. Ingram, April 1, 2010
Estimación de los valores de las casas en México Marco González-Navarro and Climent Quintana-Domeque, April 1, 2010
Estimating Home Values in Mexico Marco González-Navarro and Climent Quintana-Domeque, April 1, 2010
After “Kelo”

Political Rhetoric and Policy Responses

Harvey M. Jacobs and Ellen M. Bassett, April 1, 2010
Faculty Profile

Canfei He

April 1, 2010

North-East Africa Appendix 2


Washington H. A. Olima

Property Taxation in Anglophone East Africa

Case Study of Tanzania

Washington H. A. Olima

North-East Africa Appendix 3


Washington H. A. Olima

The Property Tax and Local Autonomy

Edited by Michael E. Bell, David Brunori and Joan Youngman

March 2010, English


Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

March 2010, English


Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance