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Capturing Economic Rents to Pay for Conservation of Sensitive Sites

John A. Dixon

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Markets

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Markets

Do U.S. Policy Makers Have Better Alternatives to Cap and Trade?

Ian W. H. Parry and Roberton C. Williams III

May 2011, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Urbanization

May 2011, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Urbanization

The Environment and Global Governance

Can the Global Community Rise to the Challenge?

Uma Lele, Aaron Zazueta, and Benjamin Singer

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land and Property Rights, Land Conservation, Land Markets

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land and Property Rights, Land Conservation, Land Markets

American Federalism and Climate Change

Policy Options

Barry G. Rabe and Christopher P. Borick

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Environment

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Environment

Climate Change and the Management of National and State-Owned Land in the United States

Christopher McGrory Klyza

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation

May 2011, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation

Urban Value Capture in São Paulo Using a Two-Part Approach

Created Land (Solo Criado) and Sale of Building Rights (Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir) — An Analysis of the Impact of the Basic Coefficient of Land Use as a Tool of the 2002 Master Plan

Paulo Sandroni

Captura de Mais Valias Urbanas em São Paulo através do Binômio Solo Criado/Outorga Onerosa

Análise do Impacto do Coeficiente de Aproveitamento Básico como Instrumento do Plano Diretor de 2002

Paulo Sandroni

Large Landscape Conservation

A View from the Field

Jamie Williams

April 2011

This issue looks at the performance of a special assessment tax used to finance urban development in Colombia; varied results of payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) across U.S. municipalities; and the effects of land use and economic change on the stability of North America’s Sunbelt cities.