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Current Use Property Taxation in the Conservation of New Hampshire Land

An Empirical Investigation Using Multiple Imputations

Darshana Udayanganie

Resilient Coastal City Regions

Planning for Climate Change in the United States and Australia

Edited by Edward J. Blakely and Armando Carbonell

March 2012, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Urbanization

March 2012, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Urbanization

Less Than Nothing

Land Value Taxation When Land Values Are Negative

Stanley D. Longhofer

A Tale of Two Taxes

Property Tax Reform in Ontario

Richard M. Bird, Enid Slack, and Almos Tassonyi

February 2012, English


Land Markets, Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation

February 2012, English


Land Markets, Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation

Mike Adaster and the Guidelines for a Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre

Edited by Diego Alfonso Erba and Eglaísa Micheline Pontes Cunha

February 2012, English

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

February 2012, English

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

January 2012

This issue explores land readjustment as a strategy for urban development and post-disaster rebuilding; obstacles to economic growth in developing nations; and property rights in Latin America from the perspective of a Brazilian urban law professor.

Informe del presidente

La evolución de la teoría de los derechos de propiedad

Gregory K. Ingram, January 1, 2012
Report from the President

The Evolving Theory of Property Rights

Gregory K. Ingram, January 1, 2012