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Assessing the Nonprofit Property Tax Exemption

Should Nonprofit Entities Be Taxed for Using Local Public Goods?

Joseph J. Cordes

May 2012, English

Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

May 2012, English

Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation, Value Capture

Experimenting with Land Value Capture on Western State Trust Land

Susan Culp and Dan Hunting

May 2012, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization, Valuation, Value Capture

May 2012, English

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization, Valuation, Value Capture

Travel Behavior and Built Environment

Exploring the Importance of Urban Design at the Non-Residential End of the Trip

J. Richard Kuzmyak, Jerry Walters, Hsi-hwa Hu, Jason Espie, and Dohyung Kim

April 2012

This issue looks at preferential assessments as a taxation method for rural land in the U.S.; the recommended use of three-dimensional cadastres as a property data collection tool; and the intricacies of property tax reform in China.

China’s Property Tax Reform

Progress and Challenges

Joyce Yanyun Man, April 1, 2012
Informe del presidente

La evolución de las herramientas de planificación computarizadas

Gregory K. Ingram, April 1, 2012
Report from the President

The Evolution of Computer-Based Planning Tools

Gregory K. Ingram, April 1, 2012
Reconsideración del avalúo preferencial del suelo rural Richard W. England, April 1, 2012