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Recuperación de plusvalías urbanas en Brasil, Colombia y otros países de América Latina

Legislación, instrumentos e implementación

Fernanda Furtado and Claudia Acosta

May 2013, Spanish

Working Papers

May 2013, Spanish

Working Papers

May 2013, English

Working Papers

April 2013

This issue explores how, in recent years, the United Kingdom has imposed land-based taxes on the Crown’s properties in order to help fund local public services; the variability of types, and determinants of success, of land trusts in the United States; and an analysis of institutional and legal planning frameworks both here and in Europe.

Informe del presidente

La política medioambiental y el desarrollo urbano en China

Gregory K. Ingram, April 1, 2013
Report from the President

China’s Environmental Policy and Urban Development

Gregory K. Ingram, April 1, 2013
Valuación y tributación de propiedades emblemáticas

Una perspectiva del Reino Unido

William McCluskey and David Tretton, April 1, 2013
Valuing and Taxing Iconic Properties

A Perspective from the United Kingdom

William McCluskey and David Tretton, April 1, 2013
Historia de dos fideicomisos de suelo

Estrategias para el éxito

Audrey Rust, April 1, 2013
A Tale of Two Land Trusts

Strategies for Success

Audrey Rust, April 1, 2013