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Definición de políticas de suelo urbano en América Latina

Teoría y práctica

Edited by Diego Alfonso Erba

December 2013, Spanish


City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Valuation, Value Capture

December 2013, Spanish


City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Valuation, Value Capture

The Exposition Light Rail Line Study

“Before-After” Opening Travel Impacts and New Resident Sample Preliminary Analysis

Marlon G. Boarnet, Doug Houston, and Steven Spears

December 2013, English

Working Papers

December 2013, English

Working Papers

Getting Right-of-Way Right

Landowner Compensation for Electric Power Transmission Rights-of-Way

Alison Berry

December 2013, English

Working Papers

December 2013, English

Working Papers

Planning and the Climate Change in the Caribbean

Michel Frojmovic, Jennifer Graeff, and Asad Mohammed

December 2013, English

Working Papers

December 2013, English

Working Papers

Estimation of Airport Infrastructure Capitalization for Land Value Capture Purposes

An Analysis of Denver and Atlanta

Jeffrey P. Cohen, Cletus C. Coughlin, David A. Lopez, and John M. Clapp

December 2013, English

Working Papers

December 2013, English

Working Papers

October 2013

This issue looks at integrated coastal zone management tactics of Barbados; state-owned lands in the U.S. Intermountain West that offer opportunities for education-related funding and renewable energy creation; and the advantages and costs of property tax assessments that are intended to help preserve open space.

Informe del presidente

Cómo detectar y prevenir las burbujas de precios inmobiliarios

Gregory K. Ingram, October 1, 2013
Report from the President

Detecting and Preventing House Price Bubbles

Gregory K. Ingram, October 1, 2013
Gestión de zonas costeras

El modelo de Barbados

Gregory R. Scruggs and Thomas E. Bassett, October 1, 2013