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Residential Wealth Distribution in Rio de Janeiro David M. Vetter, Kaizô I. Beltrão, and Rosa M. R. Massena, January 1, 2014
¿Cómo afectan las ejecuciones hipotecarias a los valores de la propiedad y los impuestos sobre la propiedad? James Alm, Robert D. Buschman, and David L. Sjoquist, January 1, 2014
How Do Foreclosures Affect Property Values and Property Taxes? James Alm, Robert D. Buschman, and David L. Sjoquist, January 1, 2014
Perfil académico

Mark Skidmore

January 1, 2014
Faculty Profile

Mark Skidmore

January 1, 2014
New Lincoln Institute Policy Focus Report

Arrested Developments

January 1, 2014
New Lincoln Institute Policy Focus Report

Implementación de la Recuperación de Plusvalías en América Latina

January 1, 2014

Arrested Developments

Combating Zombie Subdivisions and Other Excess Entitlements

Jim Holway, Don Elliott, and Anna Trentadue

January 2014, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

January 2014, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

January 2014, English

Working Papers