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BRT-Oriented Development in Quito and Bogotá

Daniel A. Rodriguez and Erik Vergel, with support from William Fernando Camargo Triana

February 2014, English

Working Papers

February 2014, English

Working Papers

Developing a Web-Based Prioritization Tool for the Lower Susquehanna River

Jeffrey Allenby and Joel Dunn

February 2014, English

Working Papers

February 2014, English

Working Papers

January 2014

This issue explores the successes of three U.S. Intermountain West communities in remedying distressed land subdivisions; the distribution of residential wealth in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro, and the various factors that determine residential property values; and the detrimental effects of foreclosures on local government revenues, land values, and property taxes.

Informe del presidente

Resolución de conflictos sobre el uso del suelo

Gregory K. Ingram, January 1, 2014
Report from the President

Resolving Land Use Disputes

Gregory K. Ingram, January 1, 2014
Lucha contra las subdivisiones zombies

Cómo lograron tres comunidades corregir el exceso de derechos de desarrollo

Jim Holway, with Don Elliott and Anna Trentadue, January 1, 2014
Combating Zombie Subdivisions

How Three Communities Redressed Excess Development Entitlements

Jim Holway, with Don Elliott and Anna Trentadue, January 1, 2014
Distribución de la riqueza residencial en Rio de Janeiro David M. Vetter, Kaizô I. Beltrão, and Rosa M. R. Massena, January 1, 2014