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Fue ciudad y ciudad será


John Gallagher, April 1, 2015

Planning for States and Nation-States in the U.S. and Europe

Edited by Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Zorica Nedović-Budić, and Armando Carbonell

April 2015, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Urbanization

April 2015, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Urbanization

Políticas de suelo urbano

Perspectivas internacionales para América Latina

Edited by Martim O. Smolka and Laura Mullahy

April 2015, Spanish


April 2015, Spanish


Chronicle of the 161-Year History of State-Imposed Property Tax Limitations

Bethany P. Paquin

April 2015, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

April 2015, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

¿El financiamiento con base en el suelo podría ayudar a crear espacio fiscal para inversiones por parte de los municipios brasileños?

David Michael Vetter and Marcia Vetter

April 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Value Capture

April 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Value Capture

Estimating Tax Savings from Homestead Exemptions and Property Tax Credits

Adam H. Langley

April 2015, English

Working Papers

April 2015, English

Working Papers

La resolución de conflictos por el uso del suelo en São Paulo

Salo Coslovsky

April 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

April 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

Resolução de Conflitos sobre Uso do Solo em São Paulo

Salo V. Coslovsky

April 2015, Portuguese

Working Papers

April 2015, Portuguese

Working Papers

The Land Value Gradient in a (Nearly) Collapsed Urban Real Estate Market

Timothy R. Hodge, Gary Sands, and Mark Skidmore

April 2015, English

Working Papers

Land Markets

April 2015, English

Working Papers

Land Markets