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Planeta de ciudades

Shlomo Angel

June 2015, Spanish


City and Regional Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Land Conservation, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

June 2015, Spanish


City and Regional Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Land Conservation, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

Preferencias de localización en las familias de bajos ingresos

Movilidad residencial y mercado habitacional en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile entre los años 2002 y 2011

Joaquín Prieto

May 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Valuation

May 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Valuation

Los impactos del redesarrollo urbano en Manizales, Colombia

Ashley R. Coles

May 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

May 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

The CIPUV Residential Land Use Regulatory Index

A Measure of the Local Regulatory Environment for Land and Housing Markets in Argentina’s Municipalities

Cynthia Goytia, Guadalupe Dorna, Jonathan Cohen, and Ricardo Aníbal Pasquini

May 2015, English

Working Papers

May 2015, English

Working Papers

April 2015

This issue looks at the ubiquity of informal settlements in Peru and the corresponding risk of property titles; revitalization and stakeholder engagement efforts in Detroit; and the first comprehensive study of property tax credits and residential tax exemptions in the U.S. It also features a new digital tool created to track blighted properties.

Message from the President

Strengthening Municipal Fiscal Health

George W. McCarthy, April 1, 2015
Poseer y conservar

En riesgo los títulos de propiedad en Perú

Ryan Dubé, April 1, 2015
The Once and Future City


John Gallagher, April 1, 2015

La aplicación Blightstatus de Civic Insight

Rob Walker, April 1, 2015