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An Evaluation of China’s Land Policy and Urban Housing Markets

Joyce Y. Man

November 2015, English

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization

November 2015, English

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization

Housing Policies and Urban Development

Lessons from the Latin American Experience, 1960–2010

Eduardo Rojas

November 2015, English

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Informal Settlements, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization

November 2015, English

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Informal Settlements, Land Markets, Property Tax, Urbanization

The Relationship Between the Rise of Private Communities and Increasing Socioeconomic Stratification

Evan McKenzie

November 2015, English

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality

November 2015, English

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality

Socioeconomic Segregation Between Schools in the United States and Latin America, 1970–2012

Anna K. Chmielewski and Corey Savage

November 2015, English

Poverty and Inequality

November 2015, English

Poverty and Inequality

Annotated Bibliography on Land Value Taxation and Value Capture 2007–2013

Jeffrey I. Chapman

November 2015, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Value Capture

November 2015, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation, Value Capture

Aumento de resiliencia al cambio climático en asentamientos informales de dos ciudades latinoamericanas

Condega y Cartagena

Mona Serageldin, Alfredo Stein, Alejandra Mortarini, Carolina Morgan, Warren Hagist, Sheelah Gobar, and Luis Sevilla Fajardo

November 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

November 2015, Spanish

Working Papers

October 2015

In this issue, we feature articles on water as a cash crop in the West, technology cures for municipal fiscal health, and the Working Cities challenge.

Message from the President

Helping Communities to Help Themselves

By George W. McCarthy, October 1, 2015
Muni Finance

The Visual Budget Lets Taxpayers Follow the Money

By Loren Berlin, October 1, 2015