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Bubble Economics

How Big a Shock to China’s Real Estate Sector Will Throw the Country into Recession, and Why Does It Matter?

Bryane Michael and Simon X. Zhao

May 2016, English

Working Papers

Land Markets

May 2016, English

Working Papers

Land Markets

The Segmentation of Urban Housing and Labor Markets in China

The Case of Shanghai

Cathy Yang Liu, Jie Chen, and Huiping Li

May 2016, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing

May 2016, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing

April 2016

In this issue, we feature articles on alternatives to a bill that would kill the school property tax in Pennsylvania, exploratory scenario planning, post-disaster recovery planning, CoUrbanize’s online community planning forum, and more.

Mensaje del presidente

¿Quién pagará nuestro futuro urbano?

By George W. McCarthy, April 1, 2016
Message from the President

Who Will Pay for Our Urban Future?

By George W. McCarthy, April 1, 2016

CoUrbanize—Foro de planificación comunitaria en línea

April 1, 2016
City Tech

CoUrbanize’s Online Community Planning Forum

By Rob Walker, April 1, 2016
Medida drástica

El proyecto de ley que eliminaría el impuesto escolar sobre la propiedad en Pensilvania

By Denise-Marie Ordway, April 1, 2016
Drastic Measure

The Bill That Would Eliminate School Property Tax in Pennsylvania

By Denise-Marie Ordway, April 1, 2016