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Book Review: Land and the City

Journal of Economic Literature

May 23, 2017

Stalled subdivisions come back from recession woes

Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Stalled subdivisions come back from recession woes May 22, 2017

Report highlights property tax disparities

Mortgage Professional America

Report highlights property tax disparities May 22, 2017

Numbers reveal how bad NYC’s property taxes are

Crain's New York Business

Numbers reveal how bad NYC's property taxes are May 19, 2017

Study: Bridgeport has second 2nd worst property taxes

The Hour

Study: Bridgeport has second 2nd worst property taxes May 19, 2017

Opponents see third grade requirement as unfunded mandate

McCook Gazette

Opponents see third grade requirement as unfunded mandate May 16, 2017

How Federal Funding Hurts Cities

Urban Milwaukee

May 12, 2017