Land Lines Magazine

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Pension Legacy Costs and Local Government Finances Richard F. Dye and Tracy M. Gordon, October 1, 2012
Informe del presidente

Impulso de redes sobre conservación y viviendas asequibles

Gregory K. Ingram, October 1, 2012
Report from the President

Fostering Networks on Conservation and Affordable Housing

Gregory K. Ingram, October 1, 2012
Conservación creativa

Reflexiones sobre un camino hacia el futuro

Bob Bendick, October 1, 2012
Creative Conservation

Reflections on a Way to the Future

Bob Bendick, October 1, 2012
Perfil académico

Karl E. “Chip” Case

October 1, 2012
Faculty Profile

Karl E. “Chip” Case

October 1, 2012
Cambios en el uso del suelo y crecimiento económico en China Canfei He, Zhiji Huang, and Weikai Wang, October 1, 2012

October 2012

This issue explores the magnitude of unfunded local government pension costs across the U.S.; a creative approach to environmental conservation and management; and how national land policy in China has become a key driver of the Asian country’s rapid economic growth.