Land Lines Magazine

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Sistemas de transporte público masivo tipo BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) y desarrollo urbano en América Latina Daniel A. Rodríguez and Erik Vergel Tovar, January 1, 2013
Informe del presidente

La eficiencia energética y las ciudades

Gregory K. Ingram, January 1, 2013
Report from the President

Energy Efficiency and Cities

Gregory K. Ingram, January 1, 2013
Bus Rapid Transit and Urban Development in Latin America Daniel A. Rodriguez and Erik Vergel Tovar, January 1, 2013
Faculty Profile

Carlos Morales-Schechinger

January 1, 2013
Incertidumbre y riesgo

Cómo construir un Oeste resistente

Erika Mahoney and Hannah Oliver, January 1, 2013

January 2013

This issue features articles on the use of payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) in Boston, tools to help communities in the Intermountain West plan for climate change and increase community resilience, and bus rapid transit (BRT) in Latin American cities.

Land Use Changes and Economic Growth in China Canfei He, Zhiji Huang, and Weikai Wang, October 1, 2012
Los costos de pensión heredados y las finanzas del gobierno municipal Richard F. Dye and Tracy M. Gordon, October 1, 2012