Land Lines Magazine

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Report from the President

Detecting and Preventing House Price Bubbles

Gregory K. Ingram, October 1, 2013
Gestión de zonas costeras

El modelo de Barbados

Gregory R. Scruggs and Thomas E. Bassett, October 1, 2013
Coastal Zone Management

The Barbados Model

Gregory R. Scruggs and Thomas E. Bassett, October 1, 2013
Arrendamiento de energía renovable en suelos de fideicomisos estatales del oeste intermontañoso Alison Berry, October 1, 2013
Leasing Renewable Energy on State on State Trust Lands in the Intermountain West Alison Berry, October 1, 2013
Incentivos fiscales para la preservación del espacio abierto

Examen de los costos y beneficios del avalúo preferencial

Jeffrey O. Sundberg, October 1, 2013
Tax Incentives for Open Space Preservation

Examining the Costs and Benefits of Preferential Assessment

Jeffrey O. Sundberg, October 1, 2013
Análisis de noticias

Los derechos de propiedad y el cambio climático

Anthony Flint, October 1, 2013
News Analysis

Property Rights and Climate Change

Anthony Flint, October 1, 2013