Land Lines Magazine

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Nota de la editora

Una nueva dirección para Land Lines

Maureen Clarke, April 1, 2015
Editor’s Note

A New Direction for Land Lines

Maureen Clarke, April 1, 2015
Mensaje del presidente

Cómo fortalecer la salud fiscal municipal

George W. McCarthy, April 1, 2015
Fue ciudad y ciudad será


John Gallagher, April 1, 2015

April 2015

This issue looks at the ubiquity of informal settlements in Peru and the corresponding risk of property titles; revitalization and stakeholder engagement efforts in Detroit; and the first comprehensive study of property tax credits and residential tax exemptions in the U.S. It also features a new digital tool created to track blighted properties.

Anchors Lift All Boats

Eds & Meds Engaging with Communities

Beth Dever, Omar Blaik, George Smith, and George W. McCarthy, February 1, 2015
Nuevas anclas para fondear

Educación y medicina con las comunidades

Beth Dever, Omar Blaik, George Smith, and George W. McCarthy, February 1, 2015
Mensaje del presidente

Instituciones que protegen el interés común

George W. McCarthy, February 1, 2015
Message from the President

Institutions that Protect the Common Interest

George W. McCarthy, February 1, 2015