Land Lines Magazine

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Muni Finance

Verifying Green Bonds

By Christopher Swope, Citiscope, July 29, 2016
Nonprofit PILOTs (Payments in Lieu of Taxes) By Daphne A. Kenyon and Adam H. Langley, July 29, 2016
New Lincoln Institute Policy Focus Report

After Great Disasters

July 29, 2016
New Lincoln Institute Report

50-State Property Tax Comparison Study

July 29, 2016

July 2016

In this issue, we feature articles on managed retreat, gentle infill, verifying green bonds, and subsidized Uber in the suburbs, as well as a policy brief on nonprofit PILOTs (payments in lieu of taxes).

Mensaje del presidente

¿Quién pagará nuestro futuro urbano?

By George W. McCarthy, April 1, 2016
Message from the President

Who Will Pay for Our Urban Future?

By George W. McCarthy, April 1, 2016

CoUrbanize—Foro de planificación comunitaria en línea

April 1, 2016
City Tech

CoUrbanize’s Online Community Planning Forum

By Rob Walker, April 1, 2016