Land Lines Magazine

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New Lincoln Institute Book

After Great Disasters

July 28, 2017
New Lincoln Institute Book

Property Tax in Africa

July 28, 2017
New Lincoln Institute Report

50-State Property Tax Comparison Study: For Taxes Paid in 2016

July 28, 2017

July 2017

This issue looks at strategies for revitalizing America’s smaller legacy cities, GASB 77 and the cost of property tax incentives for business, the future of U.S. public school revenue from the property tax, and Making Sense of Place, a Lincoln Institute initiative that will explore our human ties to land.

Mensaje del presidente

Los valores y la recuperación de plusvalías del suelo

Por George W. McCarthy, June 12, 2017

Ventajas de los datos derivados de las aplicaciones para los urbanistas

Por Rob Walker, June 12, 2017
Cómo aprovechar el capital

El Marco de Absorción de Capital para inversiones comunitarias

Por Loren Berlin, June 12, 2017
Estos planes no son pequeños

La evolución del plan integral

Por Kathleen McCormick, June 12, 2017

Cómo lograr que los incentivos fiscales funcionen: Lecciones de Boston, Massachusetts

Por Ronald W. Rakow, June 12, 2017