Land Lines Magazine

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Map of Los Angeles County. Areas of darker green
Place Database

Estimated Median Gross Rent in Los Angeles County (2012–2016)

By Jenna DeAngelo, October 29, 2018

October 2018

This issue considers the pitfalls of tax increment financing (TIF)—a popular economic development tool that often falls short of its promise to revitalize struggling neighborhoods; affordable housing solutions for the homeless in Seattle, Los Angeles, and New York City; plus 3D-printed houses, scenario planning, land value capture, and more.

Photograph shows a man from the middle down
President’s Message

Waking Up to Scenario Planning

By George W. McCarthy, October 26, 2018
A portrait of a woman -- shown from head to shoulders -- standing in front of an orange and black background.
Senior Colombian Environmental Official Joins Lincoln Institute Board October 24, 2018
40 conference participants sit at desks looking at a power point presentation during the second annual Consortium for Scenario Planning Conference.
Scenario Planning

Consortium for Scenario Planning Picks Up Steam

By Janae Futrell, October 22, 2018
A placard occupies the right side of the frame. It reads Daniel Burnham Forum on Big Ideas: Land Value Capture for Infrastructure Finance. On the left side
Value Capture

This Year’s Big Idea: Unlocking the Value of Land

By Lincoln Institute Staff, October 16, 2018
A man and two dogs crouch in a mostly-open green meadow. Tree trunks are visible in the background.
Idaho Conservationist Recognized with National Award

Michael Whitfield of the Heart of the Rockies Initiative Has Helped Protect Iconic Landscapes in the Rocky Mountain West

By Will Jason, October 11, 2018
A man wearing a blue jacket and jeans walks along a paved or graveled pedestrian way
Housing the Homeless

Booming Cities Address the Growing Crisis in Their Streets

By Kathleen McCormick, September 26, 2018
An architect's rendering shows four grey
City Tech

Printable Houses Begin to Take Shape

By Rob Walker, September 26, 2018