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July 2019

This issue features excerpts from the book Design with Nature Now (October 2019), showcasing some of today’s most advanced ecological design projects, in honor of visionary landscape architect Ian McHarg. This collaboration by the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy demonstrates McHarg’s enduring influence as practitioners use his approach to confront climate change and other 21st-century challenges.

Property Tax

Fifty-State Study Details Growing Tax Breaks for Longtime Homeowners

By Will Jason, June 25, 2019
A group of city planners stands outside of the Transbay Transit Center in San Francisco.
Housing Affordability

Regional Strategies to Address the Bay Area Affordability Crisis

By Emma Zehner, June 21, 2019
Land Matters Podcast

Episode 2: Yes in My Backyard

By Anthony Flint, June 19, 2019
This picture shows several people laying down a new colorful crosswalk on a paved road.
Legacy Cities

Three Rust Belt Cities Share Strategies for Equitable Revitalization

By Emma Zehner, May 28, 2019
People hold neon green signs behind a large white banner reading TIF Petition in black letters.
A New Podcast

Let's Talk TIF

By Anthony Flint, May 28, 2019, May 28, 2019
A woman feeds a toddler in a kitchen.
Affordable Housing

Study Shows Benefits of Shared Equity Housing for Affordability and Wealth-Building

By Brandon Frazier and Will Jason, May 16, 2019
Several people are walking away from the camera on an elevated wooden walkway with a river in the foreground and mountains in the distance.
Water Planning

Land Use Decisions Could Make or Break the River That Sustains One in Nine Americans

By Anthony Flint, May 3, 2019
Mensaje del presidente

Construir las ciudades que necesitamos

Por George W. McCarthy, April 30, 2019