Land Lines Magazine

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A "sold" sign sits on a front lawn in front of a large home.
At What Cost?

Targeted Taxes Pose Challenges to Equity, Economic Growth

By Liz Farmer, January 23, 2020
Rezoning History

Influential Minneapolis Policy Shift Links Affordability, Equity

By Kathleen McCormick, January 16, 2020
Rendering of a proposed mixed-use development in Rock Creek West
Capital Ideas

Washington, DC's Ambitious Plan to Distribute Affordable Housing More Equitably

By Liz Farmer, January 15, 2020
Climate Change

Great Lakes Communities Use Scenario Planning to Prepare for Rising Waters

By Emma Zehner, January 15, 2020
President’s Message

When Theory and Practice Part

By George W. McCarthy, January 15, 2020
A photograph of a modern multi-family

January 2020

This issue explores the elimination of single-family zoning in Minneapolis, the potential for funding green infrastructure with value capture, the impacts of the shifting retail landscape on municipal fiscal health, and more.

The Riches of Resilience

Cities Are Investing in Green Infrastructure—Should Developers Help Foot the Bill?

By Anthony Flint, January 13, 2020
Sara Bronin speaks into a microphone. The background shows her power point presentation.
Land Matters Podcast

Episode 8: Hartford, Ready for a Reboot

By Anthony Flint, December 19, 2019
Photograph shows an aerial view of a landscape with sky and blue mountains in the distance
The Unmalling of America

How Municipalities Are Navigating the Changing Retail Landscape

By Gregory Scruggs, December 16, 2019