Land Lines Magazine

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Mensaje del presidente

Centro de Soluciones Geoespaciales: Pensamiento global, mapeo local

Por George W. McCarthy, October 21, 2020

October 2020

This issue explores new collaborations between land banks and community land trusts that are unlocking affordable housing opportunities, the role of urban parks in pandemic recovery, and the connections between COVID-19, structural racism, and community investment.

Global Conservation

International Land Conservation Network Appoints Regional Representatives

By Katharine Wroth, October 19, 2020
Land Matters Podcast

Episode 15: Confronting a COVID Recession

By Anthony Flint, October 14, 2020
Land Conservation

Fernando Lloveras San Miguel of the Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico Wins the Kingsbury Browne Fellowship and Conservation Leadership Award

October 12, 2020
Opening Doors

Land Banks and Community Land Trusts Partner to Unlock Affordable Housing Opportunities

By Emma Zehner, October 7, 2020
Room to Roam

The Pandemic Has Underscored the Need for More Urban Parks. So What Comes Next?

By Kathleen McCormick, October 7, 2020
Puertas que se abren

Los bancos de tierras y los fideicomisos de suelo comunitarios se asocian para generar oportunidades de vivienda asequible

Por Emma Zehner, October 7, 2020
Espacio para pasear

La pandemia acentuó la necesidad de crear más parques urbanos. ¿Cuáles son los próximos pasos?

Por Kathleen McCormick, October 7, 2020