Land Lines Magazine

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Desalojos forzosos y derechos humanos en Colombia Margaret Everett, November 1, 1999
Human Rights and Evictions of the Urban Poor in Colombia Margaret Everett, November 1, 1999

November 1999

This issue explores human rights and eviction issues experienced by Colombia’s impoverished urban populations, the implementation of property taxes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a reassessment of property rights in the age of liberalization and privatization.

Urban Development Options for California’s Central Valley William Fulton, September 1, 1999
Desafíos que confronta el sistema fiscal sobre la propiedad inmobiliaria en Porto Alegre, Brasil Claudia M. De Cesare, September 1, 1999
Challenges to Property Tax Administration in Porto Alegre, Brazil Claudia M. De Cesare, September 1, 1999

Triunfo de una reforma al sistema fiscal sobre la propiedad inmobiliaria

Manuel Perló Cohen, September 1, 1999

A Success Story of Property Tax Reform

Manuel Perló Cohen, September 1, 1999

September 1999

This issue looks at urban development options for California’s agricultural Central Valley region; problems of, and recommendations for, the property tax system of Porto Alegre, Brazil; and a success story of property tax reform in Mexico.