Land Lines Magazine

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Planning for Growth in Western Cities Armando Carbonell and Lisa Cloutier, July 1, 2003
El debate sobre la recuperación de plusvalías en América Latina Martim O. Smolka and Fernanda Furtado, July 1, 2003
The Value Capture Debate in Latin America Martim O. Smolka and Fernanda Furtado, July 1, 2003
Las plusvalías en beneficio de los pobres

El proyecto Usme en Colombia

Maria Mercedes Maldonado Copello and Martim O. Smolka, July 1, 2003
Using Value Capture to Benefit the Poor

The Usme Project in Colombia

María Mercedes Maldonado Copello and Martim O. Smolka, July 1, 2003
La vista desde el sector privado de Colombia Oscar Borrero Ochoa, July 1, 2003
The View from Colombia’s Private Sector Oscar Borrero Ochoa, July 1, 2003
Faculty Profile

Dick Netzer

July 1, 2003

July 2003

This issue explores land management and regional planning tactics in rapidly growing Western U.S. cities; the evolution and potential value of property tax exemptions; the use of value capture methods in Colombia and elsewhere in Latin America; and forums and programs that can foster beneficial relationships between U.S. colleges their surrounding communities.