Land Lines Magazine

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April 2004

This issue offers a recap of a West Coast regional forum intended to address issues of housing affordability and traffic congestion; and looks at the implementation of waterfront redevelopment strategies in Cuba and the Netherlands, mass valuation methods for land taxation in traditional economies, and the successes and problems of cadastre systems used in Colombia and elsewhere in Latin America.

Landscape-scale Conservation

Grappling with the Green Matrix

James N. Levitt, January 1, 2004
Roles of Community-based Organizations in Brownfields Redevelopment Lavea Brachman, January 1, 2004
From the President H. James Brown, January 1, 2004
Property Tax Reform and Smart Growth

Connecting Some of the Dots

Richard W. England, January 1, 2004
Effects of Land Acquisition on China’s Economic Future Chengri Ding, January 1, 2004
Faculty Profile

Gerrit-Jan Knaap

January 1, 2004

January 2004

This issue features the effects of government-run land acquisition on China’s economic future; land-value taxation as a method of promoting smart growth in the U.S.; the need for regional, landscape-scale conservation strategies and efforts; and the roles of community-based organizations (CBOs) in the redevelopment of Brownfields.

From the President H. James Brown, October 1, 2003