Land Lines Magazine

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From the Editor Ann LeRoyer, January 1, 2005
Declaración de Buenos Aires January 1, 2005
Declaration of Buenos Aires January 1, 2005
Land Value and Large Urban Projects

The Latin American Experience

Mario Lungo and Martim O. Smolka, January 1, 2005
Taxing Publicly Owned Land in China

A Paradox?

Yu-Hung Hong, January 1, 2005
Faculty Profile

Thomas A. Jaconetty

January 1, 2005

January 2005

This issue features a summary declaration of core policy issues surrounding land management and land markets in Latin America; land value in the context of large urban Latin American projects; the pivotal role of universities as anchor institutions and developers in cities and towns across the world; and the taxation system of publicly-owned land in China.

Urban Spatial Patterns and Infrastructure in Beijing Yan Huang, October 1, 2004
Perfil docente

Francisco Sabatini

October 1, 2004