Land Lines Magazine

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Costs, Benefits, and Public Policy

Daniel P. McMillen, July 1, 2006
Smart Growth in Maryland

Facing a New Reality

Gerrit-Jan Knaap and Dru Schmidt-Perkins, July 1, 2006
Tributos inmobiliarios e informalidad

Desafíos para América Latina

Martim O. Smolka and Claudia M. De Cesare, July 1, 2006
Property Taxation and Informality

Challenges for Latin America

Martim O. Smolka and Claudia M. De Cesare, July 1, 2006
Faculty Profile

Margaret Dewar

July 1, 2006

July 2006

This issue explores Maryland’s smart growth programs and a new land use reform initiative that the state is trying out; the costs, benefits, and policy framework of housing demolition and replacement projects; and the effects of informal land markets on property taxation in Latin America.

Who Pays the Property Tax? George Zodrow, April 1, 2006
Land Use Efficiency, Food Security, and Farmland Preservation in China Erik Lichtenberg and Chengri Ding, April 1, 2006
From the President Gregory K. Ingram, April 1, 2006