Land Lines Magazine

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Challenges in Reusing Vacant, Abandoned, and Contaminated Urban Properties Margaret Dewar and Kris Wernstedt, April 1, 2009
Municipally Imposed Tax and Expenditure Limits Leah Brooks and Justin Phillips, April 1, 2009
Measuring Informality in Housing Settlements

Why Bother?

Martim O. Smolka and Ciro Biderman, April 1, 2009
Perfil Docente

Paulo Sandroni

April 1, 2009
Faculty Profile

Paulo Sandroni

Paulo Sandroni, April 1, 2009

April 2009

This issue highlights the myriad challenges of redeveloping vacant and contaminated land in U.S. cities; the features, prevalence, and outcomes of city-imposed tax and expenditure limits; and an analysis of measuring housing informality in Latin America.

What Policy Makers Should Know About Property Taxes Ronald C. Fisher, January 1, 2009
Report From The President

Infrastructure—Spending More and Spending Well

Gregory K. Ingram, January 1, 2009
An Infrastructure and Economic Recovery Plan for the United States Petra Todorovich, January 1, 2009