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Imperio hidráulico

Compartir un legado y esculpir un futuro para el río Colorado

Por Allen Best, Enero 31, 2019
Reflexiones sobre el río Colorado

Entrevista con Bruce Babbitt

Por Jim Holway, Enero 31, 2019

Mapeo de precisión para el agua en el desierto

Por Rob Walker, Enero 31, 2019
Photograph of George W. McCarthy
Mensaje del presidente

Donde el agua se une con el suelo

Por George W. McCarthy, Enero 31, 2019
This image shows a street with a blue driverless shuttle in the middle. Blurred trees sit in the background of the image.
Driverless Ed

Urban Planners Shift Gears as Autonomous Vehicles Hit the Streets

By Kathleen McCormick, Marzo 19, 2019
A sand-colored building with a domed roof stands on the left with trees on the right and a statue of a man on a horse in the foreground.
Public Finance

As Real Estate Booms, Can Texas Offer Property Tax Relief?

By Will Jason, Marzo 19, 2019
This image shows the Golden Gate Bridge in the foreground and the city of San Francisco lit up at night in the background.
Urban Planning

Lincoln Institute Experts to Offer Solutions at APA National Planning Conference

By Emma Zehner, Marzo 19, 2019
This map shows transit patterns in the Sacramento area.
City Tech

The Road to Smarter Transit Is Paved with Data

By Rob Walker, Marzo 15, 2019