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Boundary Issues

The 2016 Atlas of Urban Expansion Indicates Global De-Densification

By John Wihbey, Octubre 12, 2016
Precision Conservation

Pinpointing Pollution in the Chesapeake Bay with One-Meter-Resolution GIS

By Kathleen McCormick, Octubre 12, 2016
City Tech

Open Reblock Land Readjustment App

By Rob Walker, Octubre 12, 2016
Message from the President

The Road to El Dorado

By George W. McCarthy, Octubre 12, 2016
Back to the Future

The Working Cities Challenge Helps MA Cities Rebuild on Industrial Pasts

By Billy Hamilton, Octubre 1, 2015
Evaluación de la contribución de valorización en Colombia Oscar Borrero Ochoa, Abril 1, 2011
China’s Property Tax Reform

Progress and Challenges

Joyce Yanyun Man, Abril 1, 2012
Affordable Housing in China By Joyce Yanyun Man, Enero 1, 2011